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Auction Registration Help

If this is your first time at one of our online auctions and you're not sure what to do, we've got you covered. Signing up is free, quick, and easy!

Click the Login/New Bidder at the top of the page. If you have already registered simply log on.

For first-time bidders, you will be prompted for your email. Please confirm it. Then continue filling in all necessary information.

Once you are logged in you can scroll through our Online Auction Catalog. (On any given sale there could be 10+ pages of items)

Once you found an item you would like to bid on just simply click the Bid button enter the amount followed by Confirm Bid. Make sure to check back on the bidding.

Click the star to put your item on your watch list. This saves you from scrolling through the pages to find your item.

When the sale is finished you will be notified by email if you won the bid. Make sure to check your spam folder as well.

Now you can enjoy any of our auctions from the comfort of your own home - Happy bidding!

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